100 Happy Days: Days 81-90

How quickly time passes! Seems just yesterday when I started this challenge and now there are less than 10 days to finish this challenge. There are many other things which I feel passed too soon. And one such thing is college. Another year and I will be an engineer! And of late I feel most of the things that made me happy are related to writing/ blogging. And now I keep asking myself what is it that I am really meant to do? Is writing my real calling? I know I haven't done anything great in writing but still sometimes such thoughts do come to my mind.
So here is what made me happy in the past 10 days.

Day 81:
A chance meeting with my favourite teacher made my day. She is one of the best teachers I have ever had. She taught me Math and Science in high school and she is in a way responsible for me having interest in those subjects.

Day 82:

 I am the sort of person who every morning decides to complete certain things that day and I go crazy if I am not able to complete those things. And despite being sick I managed to do all that I planned to do.

Day 83:
I love nature and I love flowers. I have a few flowers and vegetables growing in my backyard and they are my best friends whenever I feel low. I was greeted by these beauties early in the morning when I went to water my garden.

Day 84:
I am in love with this book- "The Fault in our Stars". I so liked that I ended up writing a poem on it and I was happy with the end result. The poem came out really well and many of readers loved it as well. If you haven't read the poem you can read it here.

Day 85:
I was really hungry in the evening and I could find anything to eat. After a long search I found one packet of Maggi lying in a corner and I didn't sit down until I made it and ate it.

Day 86:
Yay! Shopping! No matter how many times I go shopping I want to go many more times. And finding something I love and finding it in my perfect size feels so good.

Day 87:
I cooked something after a long time (excluding the Maggi of course). Yeah I don't like cooking much. So this didn't make me happy. But it made mom happy and seeing her happy with something I did made me happy! :-D

Day 88:
There are times when I can't think of anything to write about. Writer's Block! But then this day was special.As I am taking up the Ultimate Blog Challenge I sat down to think about the list of possible things that I could write and imagine my joy when I ended up writing more than 15 ideas! A great start right?

Day 89:
I wanted to take up a blogging challenge from a long time. But there used to be some important work always and I couldn't commit myself to writing daily for a month. This time I decided that I have to take up a blog challenge and yes I finally started with the challenge :)

Day 90:
Sometimes things don't go as planned but even then at the end of the day all my work is done! Happy :)

So these things made me happy during the past 10 days. So the last edition of the 100 happy days- the last 10 days will be up soon.

Till then have a nice time and make sure you read my posts everyday as I will be posting everyday.

This post is written for Day 6 of The Ultimate Blog Challenge.

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