Ushering in the New Year

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365th day of the year is almost over. Just a few minutes more and I’ll be given 366 fresh pages of life to fill in. What do I look forward to? Will 2016 be good? Will it be better than 2015? Honestly, I don’t know. But am I really ready to take on 2016?
A new year, a new beginning is what we expect. But can I write on the fresh pages if I still keep scribbling on the old ones? Definitely not! The mind goes back into the past. But I can’t dwell on my past laurels and stop improving myself. I can’t keep thinking about my downfalls and the pain that I went through in the past year and keep feeling sorry about it. The past is past. Nothing can be changed. Or do I keep thinking about the future and stop doing what I want to do? Is that the way I want to live my life in the new year? Definitely not!
So how do I want to live it then? I want to live in the moment. I will keep in mind the lessons I learned from my past experiences, but I will not dwell in the past- the pain, the bitterness. I will make my decisions consciously thinking about the impact that they will have on my future, but I won’t let the “what ifs” ruin my present moments. So the word I chose for the year 2016 is “Present”. Not only do I want to live in the present, but I also want to be a present in the lives of people who matter to me by doing the little things I can to make them happy. I want to bid adieu to all the anger, bitterness and pain of 2015. I want to forgive and forget it all. The present is what matters to me and what will matter to me.
2015 has been a great year for me. I don’t just want to hope that 2016 will be good for me, but I want to make an effort to make it good. Things may go wrong and I may be lost, but I want to make an effort to correct my mistakes and find my way back. I want to be strong to face the challenges that come my way. But most of all I want to live for today, everyday!
Happy New Year Everyone! May 2016 bring your loads of happiness!
P.S.: With this post I finish the daily blogging challenge that I took up for December. I also finish my blogging resolution to write 100 posts in 2015. So what is my blogging resolution for 2016? Blog more, blog better! More on that soon. 
 Writing this post for Blog Chatter's Prompt- Ushering in the New Year. Also linking this to Alphabed Salad's 2016 Word of the Year Linkup.

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